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First steps into the German job market
Support from International Office
Studying at FOM University of Applied Sciences lays the foundations for a successful career. To ensure that a suitable placement or job is successfully found during the degree course, the International Office off ers a range of services. For example, the team is happy to help with questions relating to the application process or the employment market in Germany.
Career advice
Would you like to gain experience in the German job market, apply for a job or you have already an interview lined up? Thorough preparation is essential. We will support you: We will check all application documents with you in advance and prepare you for the process – so you can face the next step with confidence.
Insights and initial contacts
During your studies, you will have the opportunity to visit different companies, get to know the potential employers in person and build up an initial network. This can be helpful if you are looking for an internship or a placement for your dissertation. We will support you by your active search for jobs.
Academic support and learning development
We encourage you to participate in seminars on academic writing, literature research, project management and time management so that you can become familiar with the academic requirements and develop your academic skills. During the process of writing your thesis, you can also exchange with your fellow students in organised sessions about your interim results and research objectives.
Workshops and seminars
We off er workshops and seminars for future professionals: What is the German job market like? Which sectors and areas are in need of qualified people? How do you apply for a job? What business etiquette should be observed? The training opportunities also include what to consider when starting a career in Germany.
We had the opportunity to connect with industry professionals at job fairs and during company visits. The International Office supported us with preparing our CV.
Graduate of the Master’s programme “Big Data & Business Analytics”
10,000 cooperation partners
FOM cooperates extensively with companies and institutions of different scales – from major international corporations like BMW, IBM, bp, Siemens and Deloitte to numerous local SMEs. We know the demands of the labour market. Our integral connection with over 10,000 cooperation partners across all sectors of the economy offers students exclusive opportunities to combine academic studies and professional improvement through unique learning experience.
Extract from over 10,000 cooperation partners